Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Apparently I'm either really busy, or I just don't keep my word very well. I told you on my last blog that I would try to update more regularly since life has slowed down.  I think I'm insane.  Because I don't think life has slowed down, I think the things that were priorities at the time have gone away and have now been filled with other high priority items that are causing life to move at that hectic pace again.

So. . . Where to begin.

Married life is going well.  We keep getting that question asked of us,  "How's married life?"  Like after three months, I'm going to look at you and go; "Man I tell you, it's the worst thing ever. . . I can't believe I did this."  I'm not going to say that.  For one thing I don't feel that.  I love my wife, and while I know that things will not always be easy, I know that my happiness in my marriage is not based on our circumstances or anything like that.  My happiness is a choice that I make everyday.  Have we had our ups and downs? Of course we have.  The move took its toll on us several times, and we had several "fights" about what to do about the situation.  I put fights in quotations, because while we have fought about issues, it's not this knock-down, drag out screaming match that most people envision. We've had heated discussions about family, fallout of the move, job stresses, life stresses in general, things that were hard to go through.  I look back at all of that, and I'm thankful for this.  We made a commitment to each other at the beginning.  No matter how we felt, no matter how we hurt, no matter what was going on, we would always talk about the issue at hand.  And while we've not always done the best at that, and we've not always done that the way we should, because we made the choice BEFORE we got married, before all of this came to a head, we've been able to be more consistent and better at it then we ever would if we went into our marriage thinking, "We're never going to fight!"

On another married note, we both got to taste the sickness part of our vows recently.  We both came down with what we think were some mild food poisoning.  Fortunately, at different times,  so we weren't both out at the same time, but it was still an interesting time for both of us. Now yes, this is just a small taste, and it was over quickly,  but you learn a lot about yourself and your spouse when they are sick.  Nothing major to report, we got sick, got better, life moved on.

Softball season is over with, and as of right now my affiliation with the YMCA and any team sports will not be renewed.  Ever.

Most of you who know me, know I'm a big stickler for the rules. I believe rules are there for a reason, and I hold to them very tightly, even if it sometimes costs me because of it.  I would rather lose by the rules then win by not having one enforced.  I may not like all the rules in place, but I will abide by them the best way I can. Many times, I have been yelled at by my own team, for making a call that was the rule.  I don't care.  I expect everyone to follow the rules, therefor I can't simply abide by them when I see fit.

This came to a head in the playoffs for our Church softball team.  My biggest issue with this league is the fact that they won't supply umpires who know the rules of the game.  They tell the teams that they need to "Self officiate".  Yes.  You read that right.  We are responsible for umpiring our own games.   Really?!?  Because as human beings, we are SO honest and everyone plays by the rules.  Of course I would settle for teams supplying umpires who know the rules first.  This has been a constant battle, with teams supplying someone who watches a few baseball games, and thinks they are the end all in umpiring.  Even though we have some VERY different rules.

But what happened with our team was not a result of an umpire who didn't know the rules, but of the management of the league who decided to change the rules WRITTEN BY THEM on the spot.

Quote:  Rule (2)(B)(3) says “If a game is called because of weather, it will not be the official game unless 4 complete innings have been played or 1 hour has expired.”

Our last game, we played 4 full innings.  We were up 11 - 8 at the top of the fifth inning.  And as per normal Colorado Summer weather, the rain came and flooded the field.

According to their rule?  Game over.  Done. Finito.  Finale. We waited for 15 minutes for the rain to clear off and when it didn't we were fully expecting the game to be called.  However, The Team sports administrator for the Colorado Springs YMCA declared that we would play two full innings, as soon as we could.  that ended up being a full week later.

We ended up losing 15 - 13.

Now mind you, I'm not whining about losing.  The other team came, brought their game and we weren't able to keep up.  It happens.   My issue is simply this.  If you change one rule at a moments notice, why are any of the rules applicable? If you're going to change the rules for the "Spirit of the game", then why should I obey them?  When "In the spirit of the game" I'm out one of my best players, so I'll just bring in someone who isn't eligible to be in the lineup, so I can keep my team as good as they could be?

Would we have been mad if they called the game and the rolls had been reversed?  Sure, but it's the rules.  And I can respect a loss when it's the the law.  The YMCA was big about this being a church league and all of us conducting ourselves in a chirstian manner.  I never see anywhere in scripture about changing the rules to make everyone happy.  In fact, I'm fairly sure that the rules are in place for a very good reason.

Without law, without rules, and without the enforcement of those rules, all you have is anarchy.  And generally a person will do whatever is necessary to conquer so that they remain on top.  Sometimes the rules serve you, sometimes they bite you.  That's the nature of them.   But to simply change them so that (you hope) everyone can be happy?  It never works that way.  And I won't be a part of an activity where I play by the rules, only to have them changed at a moment's notice.

*WHEW*  What a rant. . .

Until Next time.

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