Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Sometimes it takes a 2x4. . .

May 10th.  And we are still in my Grandmother's basement, and I don't honestly know when we'll be out.  I asked last week for prayer that the work would be done by Friday, and that I would know when this became a safety issue for my wife.  Thursday work had barely started.  As of today, we are waiting for the first of four inspections to be able to complete the bathroom, so that Molly and I can move out.  And it's really frustrating that this isn't done.  that it hasn't moved, and it doesn't seem to be going anywhere.

And then Wednesday I had that moment of clarity that you get every now and then.  Molly and I had just had another conversation about our current circumstances, and we were both feeling a bit tired and angry that God hadn't been answering our prayers the way we wanted.

But that doesn't mean he wasn't answering prayer.

I kept telling God that this needed to be done by this date, or Molly and I would go and find an apartment and move on.  I kept telling him that this was needed, this was important.  That this was what was best for everyone involved.  And every time I told him that, something went wrong to delay the process of getting the bathroom done.  Every time.  It never failed.  And finally it dawned on me, that I was demanding my schedule be done for what was best for me.  Even though I said it was for us, (which I do believe that in the long run it is) it was really because I was uncomfortable and wanted things my way.

Sometimes the Lord gently nudges, other times he tells us pretty clearly.

And still others, he uses a 2X4 to inform us in no uncertain terms that He is in charge, and will work according to his timing.

I don't know why we still need to be in the basement right now, I don't know why we will still have to be down there for (probably) at least another week.   But I know, that I have been told very clearly, that this is where we are supposed to be for now.

I don't like it.  I don't understand it.  I know that it can put a ton more pressure on our marriage then I think there needs to be.  I want us to be able to move, I want this whole situation to be done.  But I can't have that yet. 

Maybe I have to learn patience.  Maybe I have to learn what it is to lead in a situation that I really abhor.  Maybe I need to learn how to better praise God when things aren't even close to going my way.

Maybe all of the above.  All I know is at this point, is we can save some extra money to put away to help our future in whatever way that may be.

At some point we all have to learn that just because our prayers aren't answered the way we want, doesn't mean they weren't answered.  I took me praying for this a bunch of times before I realized, this was God answering that prayer.  And if something happens, and we have to find an apartment, then we do that.  I have to trust that the lord will make it clear, if and when that time comes.

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