So I know I missed a week, and am a little late with this blog post, and for that I apologize. Things have been a bit Crazy since the last time we talked.
It's now been over a month since we were supposed to move and get into a groove of living our life in our house. Still not there, and things aren't necessarily getting better either.
I talked last time about how I was trying to set deadlines, and how that wasn't working. I still believe that, and have no issue with that. What I'm having a hard time with right now, is that every time we try to make the basement a little more like home, something happens to not only remind us it's not, but to make things even more difficult.
Last Tuesday, during the construction of the bathroom in the basement, the electrician determined that the electrical was out of code, and needed to be fixed. Not really an issue, seeing as it was installed in 1952, I can see how it would be out of code. However the problem became compounded when he ripped everything out without telling anyone until after it was done, and then, as of today. We still do not have power in the basement. Save for an extension cord that runs the refrigerator and our lighting system we have installed.
I know that this has to be done, and it will take a bit to get it done. But it felt like no one thought to ask and think about the fact that Molly and I are TRYING to live down there. So far, we have completely re-organized the rooms we are in, put up some Christmas lights to add some ambiance, and bought a couch so we could sit down there and be comfortable. At least the Christmas lights help so the we can plug them in and have some lighting down there. It's frustrating, because no matter how much people tell us that they are thinking about us, and that we are important, we find out about this stuff after we get home, and then it's like, oh well, sucks to be you.
I mean, we are living down there, don't we at least deserve some notice?
Oh well, on to other things.
Molly and I have talked about things that we did or didn't want to do or get until later on in our marriage, or until our working situation had changed. Well two weeks ago today, we broke one of those rules.
We got ourselves a dog. Now, I know that a dog is a serious commitment, and one that will try your patience and demand your time, which was one of the reasons we didn't want to get one until our work situation changed. However, sometimes those rules need to be broken, and we picked up a 4 month old Husky/Lab/Bull Mastiff mix pup that we have named Kuma. Molly found him on Craigslist and we went down to look at him and eventually got him. I wanted to make sure we didn't get an insanely active pup, one who we'd have to watch constantly, because we just wouldn't have the time. But he's a great calm dog, and learning very quickly for a four month old. I'm sure Molly will go into more details in her blog, and I'll keep you updated as well from time to time.
This is going to be a shorter post today, as I'm just not in the writing mood very much as of recently.
I'll catch you on the flip side.
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