Monday, March 14, 2011

Deadline Passed. . . And yet so many people left unanswered.

So I know that I have done this before.  Haven't answered a deadline and I know that I should have.  I think it just bothers me, the sheer number of people who haven't replied to the RSVP my girl and I sent out for our wedding.

I know, you forget.  Things pile up, it gets lost,  I'm cool with that. I even (semi) understand you not responding if your not coming.  Doesn't make my life easier, for the following reasons.

The issue I'm having I guess is simply this, of the invites we sent out, there are a LOT of people I expected to respond, even if they weren't coming, that simply have not.  This makes things hard, as we have had to change Venues for the wedding, and I need to get Change of Venue cards out to people.  So do I send anyone who didn't reply one?  That way they don't show up at the wrong place?  This would be the thing I'm most likely going to do, but it leads to another question/problem.

If they didn't take the time to reply on whether or not they were coming, should I spend the time/postage/effort to tell them the place has changed.  Now mind you this isn't simply acquaintances or random friends.  This is family and close personal friends, who simply have not taken the time to say yes or no.  Either one! It's not that hard.  We gave them two ways to RSVP and gave them a month with two months notice of the wedding.  If you can't make it, you can't make it, but at least say you can't.  Don't just not reply, and then I have to send more things out to you to let you know of a change that you don't care about!  My girl and I are paying for the whole wedding by ourselves.  No one is paying for anything major.  And quite honestly I could come up with a lot better use of my time and money to not have to send as many change of venue card out that I did Invitations.

Again, let me be clear.  I will send them out.  It just bugs me that people don't seem to have the courtesy to simply reply.

*sigh* Moving on. . . . .

So as you may have guessed, this is my first blog.  Now normally I am not the guy to blog about stuff, in fact I think sometimes the freedoms we have in the internet aren't all that great.  For all the people who utilize this medium correctly, there are THOUSANDS, if not MILLIONS who don't.  I will try to keep this as close to correct as possible.

Everything on here is my opinion.  Feel free to disagree, not like it, not read it, whatever you want to do.  You can even discuss it with me if you want.  But please, remember, at the end of the day this is my opinion.  I may give you third party fact to support my opinion, but it's still my opinion and generally I hold to my opinion.  But I'm always open to new ideas.


1 comment:

  1. I say don't sweat the small stuff, not everyone is going to RSVP to your wedding, if they show and there isn't a table for them, then they're out of luck, You and Molly shouldn't have to stress over who's coming and who's not, alot of times they just completely forgot, you might want to send an email or a follow up letter warning them they might be left out. A lot of time it's just a simple misunderstanding, maybe the letter was lost, or misdirected or it arrives and was misplaced, drop them an email won't hurt. On the day of the wedding, just have a great time and don't worry about the guest, left them worry about themselves.

